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Can Horses Eat Apples? #Seeds #Cores #CrabApples

If you are a horse owner and wondering whether horses eat apples, you would be pleased to know that horses do love apples. But, it should also be noticed that there are a few cautions you may need to follow when feeding apples to your horse. Let us analyze a few of the aspects that would be helpful in finding the facts related to whether horses can eat apples.

Can Horses Eat Apples?

Horses can eat apples, and that includes its core and seeds. However, you should focus on a few parameters when feeding the apples to your horses. You can make sure that you have cut them properly before feeding the apples to your horses.

Apples have been rated to be one of the best options for feeding your horses. In fact, apples have been considered to be one of the most preferred treats for your horses. In fact, an apple – just like for humans – can be the best part to be in a horse’s diet.

can horses eat apple

The apple contains a wide range of antioxidants and provides you access to a huge degree of recovery from inflammation. The apple can also be a great source of fiber as well. Fiber can prove to be one of the best options for keeping your digestive system in good standing.

That apart, you will also find access to a wide range of other nutrients that include Vitamin A and C. It is also a rich source of minerals such as Potassium.

Can Horses Eat Apple Whole?

The apple should be cut into smaller pieces as that would make it rather easier for the horse to sallow. The whole apple can be a reason for issues such as choking hazards.

It is advisable to ensure that your horse gets the right kind of food that would be easily swallowed and digested. It is always recommended to give them the recommended amount of apples every day. Make sure that the apples have been cut into smaller pieces to ensure easier consumption.

How Many Apples Can a Horse Eat a Day?

Just because apples can be a great treat for your horse, it is always important to notice that you should not feed many of them. Treats should include only a small part of the entire diet for the horse. Feeding too many apples can upset the tummy of the horse, and should be strictly avoided.

how many apples can horse eat in a day?

Horse nutritionists recommend feeding not more than two apples per day to your horse. Even then, you should not feed all of them together but should ensure that they are given in the form of small cut pieces. It may be a good idea to feed them some earlier in the day and the rest of them later. You can even feed some baked apple treats and feed them throughout the day.

Can Apples Kill Horses?

If your horse eats a bucketful of apples in one go, that can upset its tummy and cause severe fatalities. If your horse eats too many apples, that can be one of the prime reasons that may kill it.

Under normal conditions, the horse should not get access to an apple tree, or the apples gathered on the ground. It can be assumed to be safer to feed a maximum of two apples per day and not more than that. One for the breakfast and another later as the treat can prove to be a good idea.

If a horse has eaten too many apples, it will cause the issues such as colic. Like we have been repeatedly stating, it should be noticed that the apple should be fed to the horse in small pieces.

Are Apple Seeds Bad for Horses?

Apple seeds have cyanide and too much cyanide, which can cause severe health issues. However, your horse will need to eat a huge number of pits for that to happen. But, the apple seeds can also cause a choking hazard for the horses. It is advisable to cut off and remove the pits when feeding the apples to your horse.

are apple seeds bad for horses

While the apple seeds contain hydrogen cyanide, the quantity is so low that they will not be much toxic. In fact, the horse would need to eat hundreds of seeds to reach the toxic levels.

How to Feed a Horse an Apple?

You can feed raw apples to your horse as it will not cause any harm as such. However, it would be advisable to use smaller pieces than a whole apple. Since the horses are much enthusiastic about eating, it would advisable to ensure that you are following the proper norms.

The apples are round quite hard. That can make them the perfect options for choking. It is extremely recommended to cut a single apple into eight pieces as that can be one of the excellent options for feeding them rather safely. Before cutting the apple, remove the stickers and also clean up the peel. The pesticides on the peel can also be something that can cause an upset tummy.

If you have older or senior horses, it can be a great option to bake the apples and make them softer for the adult horses. You can also make them into baked apple oatmeal. Ensure, however, that you have all the ingredients that are low in sugar.

Can Horses Eat Apple Cores?

The horses can eat apple cores without any health-related complications. The apple core can be a regular part of the horse diet. You can definitely feed the entire apple that includes core, seeds, and peel. However, do ensure that you have cut them into smaller pieces.

The shape of the apple and its core can prove to be quite the right options for choking. You should ideally ensure that the core is not of a larger size. This will help you feed your horse with the apples that include cores, seeds, and peel.

Types of Apple Horses Can Eat

Now that we have understood the essence of apples and how can it be a great option to feed apples to your horses, it may also be a great idea to check out the different types of apples that horses can eat.

Now with different varieties of apple being available, here is the list of the best apple varieties you can check out and feed your horse with:

  • Granny Smith Apples
  • Golden Delicious Apples
  • McIntosh Apples
  • Gala Apples
  • Cortland Apples
  • Fuji Apples
  • Honeycrisp Apples
  • Red Delicious Apples
  • Pink Lady Apples
  • Suncrisp Apples

It should also be noticed that horses can eat an apple of any color that includes red, green, and yellow apples.

Issues With Feeding Apples to Horses – Is it Safer?

Apples have been rated to be quite a great option for your horses, there can be a few issues you may come across when feeding apples to your horses.
Here are a few issues that can prove serving apples without proper planning detrimental to the horses:


Feeding too many apples to the horse can prove to be one of the severe issues. You should make it a point to feed the apples to your horses in moderation. Overfeeding can cause an upset stomach and colic in nature. The digestive system of a horse can prove to be quite fragile and it can get severe issues if you are not careful with the proper diet.

If you feed a lot of apples to your horse, it can cause extreme distress in the stomach and result in a need for visiting the vet.

Dental Care

If your horse has dental issues, you may need to exercise caution and avoid feeding apples to your horse. Any horse with dental issues may have problems chewing. Apples are crunchy and would need chewing. This can be a major issue and should ideally be avoided.

However, if your horse has partial dental issues and can manage to chew things to an extent, it would be advisable to cut the apple into small pieces so that they can be swallowed with a light amount of chewing.

Metabolic Issues

In case your horse has metabolic issues, it may be required to avoid feeding apples. Some horses may suffer from Cushing’s and insulin resistance issues. Since the apples consist of sugar, it may be a good idea not to feed the apples to such horses.

You can perhaps feed more of the other healthy treats to your horse than feeding it with the apples. Apples should be a strict NO as they can spike up the amount of sugar in the blood.

Horses with HYPP

HYPP or Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis is another health condition that can make your horse may not be able to handle Potassium efficiently. The potassium consumed may leak from the muscles and that can be a huge issue.

If your horse has any such conditions as HYPP, it would be a good idea to avoid feeding an apple to your horse. Since apples are a rich source of potassium, it can be worthwhile to give a thought to avoid feeding the horses with the apple.

Can Wild Horses Eat Apples?

The apples and even carrots can be a few fruits that can cause a fatality for the wild horses. In fact, apples and such human food is not a part of the normal diet for the wild horse. The wild horses have accustomed the steady diet of grasses. A sudden change in the diet can cause severe health issues in your horse.

However, a single apple or carrot may not be as harmful as a bunch of them. Ideally speaking, if the horse finds an apple tree, it would eat a huge lot of them, and that can be a dangerous proposition.

Can Miniature Horses Eat Apples?

Many miniature horses do eat apples. In fact, the mini horses are known for their penchant for sweet food. This would make it obvious that they would love human food such as apples and carrots. However, they should be given as treats and not as a regular diet.

Miniature horses are accustomed to their food – different types of grains and of course, grass. However, feeding them once in a while with treats such as apples can prove to be a good idea. This can include apples as well. Miniature horses can eat apples, but they should be given sparingly.

Are Crab Apples Poisonous to Horses?

Crab apples have been known to be not poisonous. They can be a great option for your horses. However, it can also cause a little gastrointestinal upset if fed in a larger quantity. It is advisable to feed them in a moderated quantity.
are crab apples poisonous to horses

That apart, the seeds contain hydrogen cyanide and can be dangerous if consumed in large numbers. It can be highly toxic for any animal and that includes horses as well.

Can Horses Eat Green Apples?

As long as you have a healthy horse, feeding green apples to your horse may not be a concern. Apples and carrots have been the traditionally loved treats by almost every horse and horse breed. But, once again, moderation is the key to better health.

can horses eat green apples

The green apples may be highly acidic in nature and the bacteria in the stomach of the horses may or may not digest a large amount of green apple. However, there is no harm in feeding green apples every now and then.

Can Horses Eat Cooking Apples?

All types of apples are good for the hoses. This would include the cooking apples and rotten apples. Cooking apples can be one of the excellent options for your horses and it can be one of the right choices for almost all the needs you may have had.

While it may be a good idea to feed cooking apples to your horse, it should also be noticed that you should opt for a moderated dose to avoid unwanted issues such as an upset tummy or other gastrointestinal issues.

Can a laminitic horses eat apples?
The Laminitic horses have inflammation in the laminae of the foot. It can be the result of several reasons that include overeating, obesity, and stress. If you have a laminitic horse, it is advisable to feed it with food that is low in sugar. From that perspective, it may be practical to avoid feeding apples to laminitic horses.
Can horses eat crab apples?

Horses can eat crab apples in moderation. If eaten in a large quantity, they can prove to be a little disturbing for the gastrointestinal well-being. Make sure that you are not feeding them not more than one or two crab apples per day.

Can horses eat any kind of apples?

Any type of apple is safer for horses. You can feed a wide range of apples that include Granny Smith Apples, Golden Delicious Apples, McIntosh Apples, Gala Apples, Cortland Apples, and Fuji Apples to name a few of them.

The Closing Thoughts

Most of the horses will find the apples one of the exciting treats ever. The crunchy nature of the fruit makes it one of the excellent options you would find rather impressive. They are both nutritious and natural.

That should explain why you should consider feeding your horses with apples. However, make sure that you have fed them in good moderation. This will ensure that your horse and its health are not affected adversely.

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