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Is It Illegal to Ride a Horse When Drunk? Can I Get DUI?

Well, if you are confused after reading that title, let us clarify that we are not trying to find whether you can ride a horse when drunk. We have seen that happening in trail rides, and we have seen it in several other different scenarios as well. But we are trying to understand the scenario from a legal point of view. And that is why we want to find out – Is it illegal to ride a horse when drunk.

Will you be charged for DUI (Driving Under Influence) if you ride a horse when drunk? However, it should be noticed that that would be a region-specific issue. Legally speaking, YES, you are liable to be booked for riding a horse when drunk. But, not every state makes it compulsory.

Is It Illegal to Ride a Horse When Drunk

The driving under influence rules does vary from one state to another. It would be practical to check out each of the states to understand the consequences of riding a horse when drunk.

Let us explore the states one by one.

Is it illegal to ride a horse when drunk in Texas?

No. If you are in Texas and riding a horse when drunk, you would not be booked for DUI. You will be charged for DUI only when riding or driving motorized vehicles.

This would include cars, trucks, motorcycles, motorboats, and aircraft. The law in Texas states clearly that you are convicted if you operate a motor vehicle in a public place while intoxicated

While legally, you may not be charged for drunken driving, it is quite possible that the police officers are not well versed with the laws and may book you under DUI. Even when that happens, the charge may quickly be dropped.

Is it illegal to ride a horse when drunk in Arizona?

Yes. Arizona has one of the strictest laws when it comes to driving or riding under the influence of Alcohol. You can be charged under DUI if you are caught riding a horse when drunk.

The first term offenders may be charged for ten days in prison, while the repeat offenders may be charged more strict punishment. You may also face suspension of license. You can refer to the Arizona DUI laws, which do not mention horse riding, but given the fact that the sate has strictest rules governing DUI, you can expect being booked for riding a horse in a drunken state.

Is it illegal to ride a horse when drunk in Louisiana?

The direct answer would be an emphatic NO. But Louisiana has a few strict laws that cover the level of intoxication. The Blood Alcohol concentration of 0.02 percent is illegal for persons under 21 years, while if you are above 21 years, the BAC level is 0.08 for being considered illegal.

A normal reading of the law does not indicate any reference to the horses. However, you have a catch there – because the law states that any motor vehicle, aircraft, watercraft, vessel, or other means of conveyance. The last three words can ideally land you in jail, as it may be interpreted with multiple connotations.

Is it illegal to ride a horse when drunk in California?

Yes. Riding a horse under the influence of alcohol is an offense in California. You can be charged under DWI. The California Vehicle code 21050 specifically mentions anyone driving any animal will be covered under the same rules that govern a person riding a vehicle.

There have been instances where any person riding an animal under the influence of Alcohol has been charged for DUI or DWI.

Can You Get a DUI on a Horse in Michigan?

No. Michigan DWI laws require you to have access to a motor-driven vehicle if you really want to be charged under the relevant laws. But that does not mean you will not be booked if you are found riding a horse when drunk.

Do note that you will be charged for moving under the influence of Alcohol and convicted under the laws other than DUI or DWI. Public drunkenness is an offense.

Is it illegal to ride a horse when drunk in Colorado?

No. The laws that cover DUI or DWI offenses in Colorado are similar to those in Texas and Louisiana. That would mean you will not be booked for riding a horse under the influence of Alcohol.

Laws in Colorado make it compulsory to ride a motor vehicle to be prosecuted when drunk. However, there is a law that prohibits riding an animal on the highway when drunk. Strictly not a DUI, it can be considered to be a minor traffic violation and can be charged with a minimal fine.

Can You Get a DUI on a Horse in Kentucky?

Yes, Kentucky does ticket the drunken horseback riders. In fact, the laws in Kentucky are extremely strict, and you can be charged for DUI for practically anything that you ride under the influence of Alcohol. And that includes wheelchairs as well.

The experts believe that the definition has been a little bit overstretched, but it remains a fact, because of a lot of precedents that you will be charged for riding a horse under the influence of Alcohol.

 Can you get a DUI while driving a horse-drawn carriage?

Well, driving a horse-driven carriage is termed almost equivalent to riding a horse. That would mean you are likely to be charged for DUI when driving a horse-driven carriage when drunk. In fact, you can be charged for drunken driving even in those states where you are NOT booked for riding a horse.

The laws that cover the vehicles will cover the horse-driven carriages as well.

Can you get a DUI in a wheelchair (Motorized & Non-motorized)?

Well, yes. Getting drunk and sitting behind wheels may not be the practical option if you do not want to get a DUI ticket. Kentucky, like we already explained in the above discussion, is one of the states that have serious laws governing the use of a wheelchair.

However, normal drinking will not constitute an offense in these cases. You need to be over the limit of 0.08 percent BAC, as we explained in the above discussion.

In Conclusion

Well, if you are worried about finding whether it is illegal to ride a horse when drunk, you need to have a look at the local legislation. The rules governing the DUI or DWI are not standard across every state or region.

And do remember – even when you may not be charged for DUI for riding on a horse when drunk, you may be implicated under other laws that deal with public drunkenness. Check that out, and you would remain safe.

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