Can Pugs Eat Cheese? [Is It Safe?]
Being a pug parent is not easy. At times, these little furry kids look at you in despair, wondering if they can have a piece of your pizza. And you keep thinking, ‘Can pugs eat cheese?’, Is cheese bad for pugs?
Well, to answer that, of course, you can give them some cheese! But we’re afraid that’s not at all a satisfactory answer to the queries a curious pug parent has on their mind! So, to solve your queries and stir your pug’s tastebuds, we’ll give you an in-depth idea if pugs can eat cheese or not and much more in the segments below!
Read on, and we’re sure you’ll have the answers to all the concerning questions you have about your little pooch!
- Cheddar: YES. Can consume
- String Cheese: YES. Can consume
- Blue Cheese: No
- Goat Cheese: No
- Cottage Cheese: YES. Can Consume
- Cream Cheese: NO
- Swiss Cheese: YES. Can Consume
- Brie: NO
- Feta: NO
Do Pugs Like to Eat Cheese?
Before we go any further and highlight some relevant questions you might have on your mind, let’s talk about this one!
Don’t you find your little furry pet sitting by you when you’re relishing a slice of a pizza or having some cheddar cheese? Well, if you’re nodding your head, then you’ve answered it already!
Pugs love to eat cheese! They can eat up a whole cheese section present at the dairy aisle. Yes! They love cheese that much. However, some may not prefer cheese, but that’s only in exceptional cases.
Is Cheese Bad for Pugs?
Well, of course not! The nutritional values present in cheese are good for their overall health. However, you’d not want to go overboard with it.
A decent amount of cheese every now and then, as a treat for being good, will work perfectly in their body.
However, we would not want to miss out on saying this, if pugs are lactose intolerant, then giving them cheese would not be a great option. So, in this case, you can always have your favorite cheesy foods while your furry pup is taking a snooze.
Benefits of Cheese for Pugs
Cheese contains a decent amount of nutrients that are incredibly wondrous for your health overall. The nutritious cheese is loaded with protein, vitamins, fats, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and much more. A tiny piece is so nutritious that it can well fill up the daily nutrition requirement humans have. But what about pugs?
Well, in the case of pugs consuming a decent amount occasionally is fine. But NOT, we repeat, NOT more than that!
Only when your little pooch consumes the right amount can cheese do the spell on his or her body!
At What Age Can Puppies Eat Cheese?
Your pooch will sniff around you only when he or she spares some time from their sleep. Slowly as they reach eight weeks of their age, they show how active they are and will long to be around you all the time. And that’s the time they’ll be watching over what you eat!
So, that’s the age you can give your little pup some cheese to eat. Eight weeks is the perfect age for pugs to eat cheese.
What is the Best and Safe Cheese for Pugs to Eat?
Cheese is a vast topic! When it comes to categorizing them, then indeed, the colors, textures, ages, shapes confuse people. But which one is good for your pug? Well, read on!
Here we have classified a list of cheeses that are safe for your pug to consume:
Mozzarella Cheese
Do you often think of giving your little furry friend some string cheese on the days he’s good? Well, then go ahead! Mozzarella is low in sodium and fat as well. So, you can consider this cheese relatively safe for your pooch.
Cottage Cheese
Companies end up making cheese that is low-fat. And those are the ones that contain a lower amount of lactose. Moreover, it supplies you with loads of calcium and protein. So, you can indeed consider cottage cheese for your little pooch at times.
Cheddar Cheese
Cheddar, too, contains a lower amount of lactose. So, you may consider giving your dog this cheese as well.
Swiss Cheese
Another cheese that is saying ‘HI’ to our list is Swiss cheese. It is extremely low in lactose, and you can very well give your pooch this one!
In What Forms Can Pugs Eat Cheese?
Of course, the simplest form to give your pugs cheese to eat is by giving it to them just the way it is! But here are some quick suggestions that we would love to provide you with. Check them out:
- Eight weeks of age is the peak training time. Even though the training starts much earlier, but nevertheless, there is nothing more fascinating than trying out a new snack.
- So, every time you find your pug doing some excellent training work, a treat of cheese will work wonderfully.
- You can seldom add some cheese to your dog’s regular food too.
- Another trick you can do is add cheese to your pug’s pills (if they are on any). Your little pooch is just like a newborn and will dread to have their medications. So, if you think your pup is not having their medicines, cheese can be an excellent disguise for them to have their pills.
How Much Cheese Can a Pug Eat?
Well, you would never want to go overboard with something that can harm your little furry pet’s health, would you? We know the answer is a definite ‘NO’!
Even though we as humans keep away from too much cheese. So, how can your little pup tolerate too much cheese?
A decent amount of cheese once or twice a week is good enough for your pug. Large dog breeds can tolerate lactose more than smaller ones. So, it’s always best to measure and keep a check on how much cheese you give your pup.
Is Cottage Cheese Good for Dogs With Diarrhea?
The smell and taste of cheese can simply drive some dogs crazy. Additionally, cottage cheese is great for dogs. But what happens when they have diarrhea?
Well, some renowned vets recommend dogs having cottage cheese when they suffer from acute diarrhea. The presence of protein, fat, and fiber helps the canine’s body make the stool firm.
However, it would help if you kept in mind that cheese can also leave a completely opposite effect. So, it is always advisable to give your dog cheese when you’re sure that he or she is not lactose intolerant.
And our advice on this is – MODERATION! Keep the amount of consumption moderate, and you’re good to go!
QUICK NOTE: When you see your pup is having diarrhea have a quick word with your vet just to be sure cottage cheese is alright for your pet to consume. Each dog is different, and the treatment for each of them also varies. So, it’s always advisable to be sure first!
Alternatives to Cheese for Pugs
If you’re a new parent and you are not quite sure if your dog will like cheese or not, try out some alternatives. Begin with them gradually, and if you’re sure your pug likes it, you can try your hands-on some cheese.
Let check out cheese alternatives that your little pug might like:
Seeing a dog drink milk is quite a common phenomenon on television. But is it good for your little pooch? We’re afraid, not as much as you see them drinking milk on TV.
Giving your pug or any other dog milk occasionally is best! Too much milk consumption can lead to bloating, diarrhea, upset stomach, and gas. So, keep it as minimal as possible.
Another alternative that you can choose is yogurt. But always remember to choose the ones that are plain, low-fat, and with no artificial sweeteners. Consuming small amounts of yogurt for a pug when he or she has an upset tummy can work wonderfully to heal them.
As they say, I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream (including your furry pooch as well)!
Small amounts of ice creams can be incredible for your pug! But remember to choose the ones with zero or low sugar, no artificial sweeteners, and low lactose levels. Also, be sure to choose the ice creams that do not contain components such as sugar-free gum, chocolates, and more.
If you’re sure your dog is lactose-intolerant, then butter is a BIG NO. However, if your pup isn’t lactose intolerant, you can always give him or her small amounts. When we say small, we mean tiny portions!
Running into a whole box of butter can result in a disaster, and we’re sure you wouldn’t want that!
What Are the Cheeses You Should Not Give Your Pup?
Well, now you know, your dog can have some decent amount of cheese as a reward for training well. But do you know some cheeses present out there in the dairy aisle can be disastrous?
Yes, so let us quickly check out what they are below:
Cheese with garlic, herbs, and other seasonings
The presence of herbs, garlic, and many other seasonings can prove to be highly toxic for your dog. They have immense power in destroying your pug’s RBCs and can cause several other health issues.
Blue Cheese
Blue cheese has a significant presence of molds in them. And this can be extremely bad for your dog’s health overall. Consuming blue cheese can result in vomiting and even seizures in your dog.
Feta Cheese
Feta cheese is exceptionally high in sodium and even fat. Moreover, it has a high lactose level as well. So, it’s absolutely advisable not to give your little furry friend this cheese.
The level of lactose and fat is massive in the brie. And it can cause an upset stomach in your dog. So, it’s best to keep them away from consuming this cheese.
Goat Cheese
Goat milk possesses a higher amount of lactose than cow’s milk. So, this, too, is off the list for your pooch.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
When you’re parenting a pug, you indeed have to bear loads of responsibilities. You have to always be on your toes and know about every tiny detail for your pooch.
So, since we’ve been answering your query, ‘can pugs eat cheese or not, we thought of mentioning some FAQs that might cross your mind.
Let us check them out:
Q: Can Dogs Eat Cheese Rind?
Small amounts of cheese are considered alright for your dog to consume, only if they aren’t lactose-intolerant. So, giving your pup the cheese rind of Parmesan is fine, and it is safe for your dog to consume.
Q: Can dogs eat cream Cheese?
Cream cheese is fermented, which does not allow it to lose out on its lactose content. Moreover, the term cream implies more fat and loads of lactose. All of which is not an ideal food for your dog. Even if your dog can tolerate cheeses, it is advisable not to give them cream cheese.
Q: Can pugs eat cheddar cheese?
Yes! Your little pup can eat cheddar cheese. But only in moderate amounts. Excessive consumption can lead to diarrhea, pancreatitis, and many more illnesses.
Q: Can Dogs Eat String Cheese?
Well, yes! The lactose level in this cheese is low, with a lower margin of sodium too. So, you can go ahead with string cheese.
Final Thoughts
As we come to the end of our blog today, we hope you’ve gotten all the answers to whether or not your little pup should consume cheese. But always remember, moderation is the key!
Small amounts of cheese will cause no harm; in fact, it will prove to be beneficial. But large amounts might result in something disastrous. So, please keep it in low quantities, and your pug will be more than happy! Happy Petting!
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